Saturday, January 10, 2009

Now that Alexandra has been crawling everywhere I've had no time to get on here and blog. In a few weeks my baby will be 1!! It makes me sad that she will no longer be a baby but a toddler. I love watching her grow and sometimes hurry her to do new things. When I look back what was I thinking?! I have to stop and enjoy the day and moments we share because they are so precious.

Alexandra does a lot of talking...says hiii and tilts her head to everyone even the dog and cat. It's very cute but not at 1am last night. lol. She is getting a tooth coming in on top and lots of hair!! For Christmas she got lots of toys and clothes. One of her favorite gifts is a shopping cart that sings and talks. She pushes it throughout the house!!

Here is a video of her today pushing her cart.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


December 4th Alexandra crawled off her blue plat and onto the hard word floors of our living room. The Gravel family was over for dinner and it was awesome to share the momement with friends. For a few months now she has been crawling backwards and slidding on her belly. We thought she wasn't interested in crawling and she would walk instead of crawl. I guess she is proving us wrong!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

10 Months Old

Today Alexandra is 10 months old!
This morning we watched the snow fall together and she was trying to catch the snow flakes. She had her 1st Thanksgiving at her grandma and grandpa Wasoka's house. She got to play with her second cousin from Ohio who is a few weeks younger than her. Her big cousin was also there who she loves to play with. She loved feeding her. I had to keep reminding her that Alex wasn't a doll.
Alex is starting to ask for me when she wants to be picked up and hearing her call for me is the best feeling in the world! Not sure if this was a coincidence or she is really smart but she was playing with her bear toy and I asked her where the bears nose was. I pointed to my nose and she showed me the bears nose! Of course no one was around to see it.
I'm sad the long weekend is over and I have to go back to work. I've been thinking of ways to get a job where I can be home more with her. It's never enough and the days go by to fast! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Play Date With Grayden - 1st Boyfriend

giving hugs

sharing snacks

1st play date

Since Alexandra was a week old she has been having many play dates with her friend Grayden. Grayden is a few months older than her and now they are starting to bond more. They are now sharing snacks and toys together. Except for Tiger... Alex doesn't like to part with her favorite toy and Grayden snatched it from her and tears were on the verge. But, they are learning to play together and it's so fun to watch! There was always a noticeable age difference but now it's getting smaller. Alexandra needs to learn to walk to catch up to Grayden. Both their personalities are so much a like they are the two happiest smiley babies that I know....oh and the cutest of course! Play dates are also mommy time which I like too. Looking forward to next play date!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Visiting Grandpa in Vermont

Alex with Grandpa

Greg trying to get us all in


We don't get to go to Vermont often but when we do it's always nice quality time with grandpa :) Alexandra went on a hike and saw snow falling for the 1st time! She didn't really pay much attention to the snow falling like she did when she saw the horses! We have now realized that she refers every animal to our dog's name. So the horses are Dexter too.

It's a lot of fun to see Grandpa play with her like he use to play with me and my sister when we were little. Lots of peekaboos ... and she cracks up! Grandpa made a yummy home made chicken soup that we had to wait all day for...Grandpa forgot it takes longer in the crockpot. lol.

Looking forward to our next visit!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Auntie Becca got her this cute ghost bib!

Mom and baby before tricker treating

Alexandra with her friends

Happy Halloween!! What a great night for tricker treating. Little Alexandra was Winnie the Pooh. She really liked seeing all the kids dressed up in their costumes. This morning she went tricker treating at a nursing home with her friends from Nancy's. After Greg brought her to my work and I got to show her off :) She has had such a busy day...then I took her to her 9 month doctor appt. She gained 3 lbs from last visit 3 months ago! She is now 20 lbs. WOW!! Doctor said she is in her 75th percentile. Time to introduce her to meats and almost ready for a bigger car seat. Can't believe how fast she is growing. Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

9 Months

I can't believe that tomorrow Alexandra will be 9 months old! It seems just like yesterday when I had her. Greg and I are truly so lucky and blessed that she is such a happy and healthy baby. I wish that I could be home with her everyday to watch her grow and learn new things. It's amazing how literally everyday she is saying or doing something new. I'm so sad that I'm missing most if it. I keep saying that I need to put it down in her baby book so I don't forget. Blogging is now my new way of keeping track and keeping all my family and friends updated too.

This picture was taken last weekend. My mom sent Alexandra a care package with this cute pumpkin hat. It's so cute! She's my pumpkin alright. She loved being outside and picking up the leaves and had a blast. Can't wait to see what she thinks of snow! With the cold weather we are having we might find out soon!

My baby is getting so big! Alexandra is babbling a lot....yes I know like her mother she is a talker :) She says deter (Dexter our dog), da da, ma ma (not as often), uh-o, hi, noo (shakes her head) and now tiger (she has a small tiger that she takes with her). She is a great eater and loves everything that we give her. She has two teeth on the bottom and no sign yet of more coming in soon. She is working on crawling but we think that she is going to walk before she crawls.

Got to get ready for bed. Stay tuned for pictures from Halloween. Alexandra is going as Winnie The Pooh. It might be a short night tricker treating because she is going for her flu shot and her 9 mos. doctor appointment on the same day.