Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Auntie Becca got her this cute ghost bib!

Mom and baby before tricker treating

Alexandra with her friends

Happy Halloween!! What a great night for tricker treating. Little Alexandra was Winnie the Pooh. She really liked seeing all the kids dressed up in their costumes. This morning she went tricker treating at a nursing home with her friends from Nancy's. After Greg brought her to my work and I got to show her off :) She has had such a busy day...then I took her to her 9 month doctor appt. She gained 3 lbs from last visit 3 months ago! She is now 20 lbs. WOW!! Doctor said she is in her 75th percentile. Time to introduce her to meats and almost ready for a bigger car seat. Can't believe how fast she is growing. Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!


Gray Days!! said...

OMG Alex looks so cute!! I love that first picture with the bib it shows her great personality that Grayden is falling for!!! Grayden weighedin at 20 lbs too today! I love our blogs, I am completely obsessed!!

Ron DeRosa said...

Hello Alex!! You are so adorable! I miss you and miss helping you crawl on Grayden's Birthday! I am sure by now you are very close to crawling, if not walking already! ;-) Can't wait to see you again!

