Saturday, January 10, 2009

Now that Alexandra has been crawling everywhere I've had no time to get on here and blog. In a few weeks my baby will be 1!! It makes me sad that she will no longer be a baby but a toddler. I love watching her grow and sometimes hurry her to do new things. When I look back what was I thinking?! I have to stop and enjoy the day and moments we share because they are so precious.

Alexandra does a lot of talking...says hiii and tilts her head to everyone even the dog and cat. It's very cute but not at 1am last night. lol. She is getting a tooth coming in on top and lots of hair!! For Christmas she got lots of toys and clothes. One of her favorite gifts is a shopping cart that sings and talks. She pushes it throughout the house!!

Here is a video of her today pushing her cart.