Wednesday, October 29, 2008

9 Months

I can't believe that tomorrow Alexandra will be 9 months old! It seems just like yesterday when I had her. Greg and I are truly so lucky and blessed that she is such a happy and healthy baby. I wish that I could be home with her everyday to watch her grow and learn new things. It's amazing how literally everyday she is saying or doing something new. I'm so sad that I'm missing most if it. I keep saying that I need to put it down in her baby book so I don't forget. Blogging is now my new way of keeping track and keeping all my family and friends updated too.

This picture was taken last weekend. My mom sent Alexandra a care package with this cute pumpkin hat. It's so cute! She's my pumpkin alright. She loved being outside and picking up the leaves and had a blast. Can't wait to see what she thinks of snow! With the cold weather we are having we might find out soon!

My baby is getting so big! Alexandra is babbling a lot....yes I know like her mother she is a talker :) She says deter (Dexter our dog), da da, ma ma (not as often), uh-o, hi, noo (shakes her head) and now tiger (she has a small tiger that she takes with her). She is a great eater and loves everything that we give her. She has two teeth on the bottom and no sign yet of more coming in soon. She is working on crawling but we think that she is going to walk before she crawls.

Got to get ready for bed. Stay tuned for pictures from Halloween. Alexandra is going as Winnie The Pooh. It might be a short night tricker treating because she is going for her flu shot and her 9 mos. doctor appointment on the same day.


Gray Days!! said...

So funny Grayden has his one year appointment on friday morning where he gets his shots too!! I can't wait to see halloween pictures. I am so glad that you created a blog too!! I love it, Grayden sends his kisses!!

Unknown said...

*I miss the little Pumkin, Auntie Mell will be visiting very soon with a present!!*